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Reclaiming Grassroots Democracy

This site represents the Pacific Green Party according to the legitimate officer election result from the February 2024 convention. That result was tampered with by a few individual current or former officers, who threw out more than half the votes. Read all about the scandal here.

The Secretary of State has interfered to back those responsible by declaring them “recognized.” We believe this is illegal and are working to overturn it. The Secretary of State is not supposed to interfere in internal party business.

May 5th Nominating Convention

We held our first nominating convention of 2024 on Sunday, May 5 (online). This restored our modified-consensus process, with decisions made by those attending the meeting. It was not a stage-managed webinar like the February convention. We did not exclude interested candidates from participating, as happened in February. This is a vital step in preserving our party’s traditions and precedents.

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