Party Structure and Documents

The Green Movement is founded on the Four Pillars and Ten Key Values.

The Pacific Green Party of Oregon is founded on a constitution and bylaws. We also maintain a party platform. Below are up-to-date versions, based on the legitimate results of voting at the February 24-25, 2024 convention.

The party’s business functions are managed by a State Coordinating Committee, whose members are:

Lori Burton
Suzia Aufderheide
Chuck Fall
Felipe Lora
Dan Pulju

The SCC appoints a secretary to keep records and correspond with the state, and a treasurer to manage funds. Dan Pulju has been appointed treasurer pro tem. Mark Rolofson has been appointed secretary pro tem. The SCC has directed that all officers may also perform the duties of the secretary. All SCC members other than the secretary and treasurer are considered co-chairs.

Party chapters include:

PGP Lane
Eugene Greens
Green Liberty Caucus

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