Don Must Make A Big Tent

Since the Cheneys endorsed Kamala, and then “over 700 national security officials” did, we now know it is not red v. blue, but those that seek to oppress and control v the people. The “left” needs to wake up, and Don needs to make a big tent for all who understand and want peace and prosperity for all. Bobby is a good start. The pedal is to the metal, and those who care about life and the planet need to come together and figure out how to live in peace and not ruin our home, which is not the robotic, biometric, wireless surveillance dystopia (often called “green”) set to be rolled out on the planet, or domination by a few, accomplished by bombs and tech. I hope Don prioritizes peace, through negotiation (“art of the deal”), as the way to settle disputes, and not killing (usually of civilians and children). Supplying countries with endless bombs as a means to settle disputes does not help anyone.

The Bill of Rights and Preamble to the Constitution were included as immutable precepts to ensure the perpetuity of life, not death, destruction, or criminality for monetary gain. The planet is being ravaged due to unquenchable satiation of money and power for control. AI, supercomputers, AVs, cell towers and satellites – the means by which the control will be executed – are not innocuous, but contraindicated to life and the Constitution.

I hope Don invites others in and makes a coalition like exists in countries because we are on the precipice – health, safety, and sustainability are imperative. Don could invite in Greens, Libertarians, and poor people – if he commits to some priorities, like the elimination of toxins, homelessness, war and “the isle,” over which too much hand-wringing and bickering is wasted. We are in this together because we are in an existential crisis. This may seem distasteful, but what is the alternative?

1 thought on “Don Must Make A Big Tent”

  1. Mark Rolofson

    Dream on! Let me remind you who Donald Trump is. I’ve never heard him called Don. Trump doesn’t care about protecting the environment, the constitution or the rule of law. He gutted the EPA, changed the priorities of the Department of the Interior and attempted to reduce the size of two national monuments in violation of the 1906 Antiquities Act. Trump should have been impeached on day one for violating both the foreign and domestic Emoluments Clause. While, Trump didn’t start any new wars, he is responsible for the US dropping more bombs than previous presidents.

    Netanyahu prefers to have Trump in the White House. Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner has a very close relationship with Netanyahu. Kushner wants the US to invade Lebanon and Iran. There have been efforts to convince Trump that Iran is behind his assassination attempts.

    Trump has expressed condemnation toward anyone calling themselves a socialist, so I don’t see why anyone on the true Left would ever support Trump or be foolish enough to think that a big tent of ideologies under Trump is possible.

    Trump is trying to get as much support as he can to get elected. RFK Jr. just proved himself to be a useful idiot and will pay a political price for his decision. RFK Jr. is rightfully angry at the Democratic Party, but his assumption that Trump will give him a lasting position as a health czar to study chronic disease is very risky. Trump has fired lots of people. I’m sure RFK Jr. has angered many of his supporters who despise Trump. RFK Jr. has been a prominent environmental lawyer who is now aligning himself with the most anti-environmental president in history.

    The marriage between the Democrats and the Neo-Conservatives exposes the fact that America has a uni-party regarding US foreign policy. It is now on full display with Harris and Liz Cheney campaigning together. It should be unacceptable to old school Democrats.

    Trump is not a real alternative to the uni-party and has demonstrated that he can be manipulated by the Deep State. In 2017, Trump gave Ukraine weapons that Obama refused to send because he didn’t want to fuel the civil war in the Donbass. The Pentagon convinced Trump to send those weapons, so he could prove that he wasn’t Putin’s puppet. He also pulled out of the INF Treaty.

    Trump is not the peace candidate. I don’t expect Jill Stein to win, but she may get significantly more votes than a Green Party candidate has ever received before. If Americans had half a brain and weren’t sheep, they would vote for her or Libertarian candidate Chase Oliver. Harris or Trump? Either way, America and the world are screwed. Which pile of shit is deeper, it’s hard to say for sure.

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