Minutes of the PGP Coordinating Committee

Running minutes are here. The most recent meeting was April 26 at 8:00pm. Next full SCC meeting is tentatively Friday May 12 at 7:30 or 8:00pm.

Meeting continuity and history

The previous SCC met twice in February and twice in March. These meetings involved votes by members whose terms had expired in January on decisions that would likely have been deadlocked among the 4 remaining members with unexpired terms. The second March meeting refused to recognize the OpaVote result or to seat two of the winners, instead seating the two unlected, last place candidates. By then, that committee was irretrievably out of order, in directly contravening a fundamental party decision by convention vote. Members should consider any further action by that committee null and void, and cease contributing to the PAC which it still controls.

Our minutes begin during that meeting, followed by our first full meeting March 29.

Preserving the party

We have imported the running minutes of the old SCC for continuity, so that the history of SCC function remains clear.

How to get involved

Reclaiming our party will take all of us. We need and invite your feedback. Email info@oregongreenparty.com, or better yet, go to the forums from the menu and sign up. The sooner the better!

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