Green Liberty Caucus Advances Protest Against Covid shots.

October 18th set for Salem Protest at Capitol with march on Health Authority Building

Invites Oregon Medical Freedom Coalition

Click this link for protest information / flyer:

Green Liberty Chapter, led by Chuck Fall, its chief proponent, is inviting activists in the medical freedom movement to rally in Salem at the Capitol at noon on October 18th to protest the Covid mRNA “vaccines,” and the childhood MMR vaccines, on the grounds that evidence shows beyond a doubt both are not safe nor effective, as claimed by the authorities.

“It is a scandal that the Oregon Health Authorities are allowing the Covid mRNA injections at all given the evidence they are not safe nor effective. Giving these shots to infants is unconscionable,” said Fall. “People should read our demand letter of the Oregon Health Authority to end the vaccines or face criminal prosecution (if we can find a DA to take the case), but the evidence is there…fraudulently representing the vaccines as safe and effective, when clear evidence shows this is false, is a crime.

Follow the web site for updates on the protest event in Salem on October 18th

Read a media statement on the October 18th event here:

Read the open letter to the Oregon Health Authority director, Dr. Sejal Hathi :

Read about the protest project as an action plan:

The Green Liberty Caucus, Oregon Chapter was inspired to advance a demand for accountability of the big lies of the official Covid narrative. As an activist party, Greens need to be engaging to oppose obvious malfeasance as a way to make our party and our movement relevant. In the end, we need to liberate our medical / insurance system from big pharma and big insurance domination. Greens can grow our ranks by calling out the big lies of the state crimes, and we can grow by standing in solidarity with the medical freedom movement and supporting real change.

Green Liberty is in solidarity with the work of Del Bigtree at the Highwire. Check out his interview with journalist Sharyl Attkisson; she presents the reasoning of the political truther, which is the Green Liberty sensibility:

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