Lane Chapter correct to challenge the Covid Pandemic in 2020.

A Covid Dossier assembled by Debbie Lehman and Sasha Latypova, shows that the Federal Covid response was fraudulently represented as a public health emergency, but was actually directed by the Department of Defense as a national security operation.

Federal authorities claimed the SARS Cov2 virus spilled over naturally into human society, however the furin cleavage 4 amino splice to enhance infection belies gain of function and a lab origin.

The Dossier shows how the Department of Defense advanced the Covid program and extended the Covid responses intoin the 5 Eyes nations: Canada, New Zealand, Australia, United Kingdom

The Pacific Green Party silence on the Federal Covid response indicates the party leadership approves of the program on account it makes no criticism..

The Covid Dossier vindicates the Lane Chapter and provides another reason for the authoritarians that acted against Lane Chapter to apologize and reinstate the chapter in the party website.

Early on in the Covid, in August 2020, the Covid “believers” attacked Lane Chapter by trying to de-admin Lane activists, so party leadership in the State Coordinating Committee could control postings to the Facebook page.

The August attack was presaged by one Pacific Green Party member who said Covid “deniers” should be “shunned like the plague.” He wrote a letter to the editor of the Eugene weekly in April 2020, calling covid dissidents “deniers.” His hysterical fear of the Covid ‘denier’, makes him appear unhinged.

The attack against the free thinking Covid skeptics in Lane Chapter comes from the “progressive socialist” wing, made up of establishmentarian / authoritarian members.

The attacks escalated to authoritarians stealing an election by disenfranchising 39 members at the February 24 /25 2024 Pacific Green Party convention. They did this to keep “covid deniers” off of the State Coordinating Committee.

But now, the Covid Dossier shows that the Lane Chapter “covid deniers” were right. The SARS Cov2 is not natural (it came from a lab), and the Covid response was not a public health response, but in actuality, was a military operation. It was conducted under a body of law that circumvented public health law and consumer safety manufacturing rules.

It is scandalous that the Green Party in Oregon and nationally, remain Covid “believers” and make no criticism of the Federal Covid Response. As stated, evidence shows beyond a doubt that the Department of Defense fraudulently represented a public health event and mandated a bio-weapon falsely represented as a “safe and effective” “vaccine.”

Oregon Green Party leaders should be ashamed of their silence. They should take up the cause of calling out the Covid Big Lie and lead by opposing what rises to the biggest state crime in human history.

What does it mean that our government lied to us about the Covid, and lied in order to get people to take the Covid mRNA vaccines?

Perhaps Robert Kennedy in his new role as Health and Human Services secretary will get some accountability in spite of Green Party silence and shameful censoring of skeptical voices within the Party.

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