May 5 Convention Nomination Results

Here’s where to view the results and download the ballots

Presidential contest

The Convention reached a consensus to apportion the PGP’s 11 delegates by the party list, largest remainder method, with simple quota. Of 42 ballots sent, 32 were returned prior to adjournment. The delegate quota is 32/11 = 2.909. Vote totals and apportionment:

Jill Stein: 13 votes. 13/2.909 = 4.469
Randy Toler: 1 vote, 1/2.909 = 0.344
Daví: 11 votes, 11/2.909 = 3.781
Jorge Zavala: 1 vote, 1/2.909 = 0.344
Jasmine Sherman: 6 votes, 6/2.909 = 2.062

Stein is apportioned 4 whole delegates, Daví 3, and Sherman 1. The remaining 2 delegates go to the candidates with the largest remainders, Daví (.781) and Stein (.469). Final apportionment is Stein 5, Daví 4, Sherman 2.

Other nominations

Three candidates ran unopposed and were nominated by wide margins on yes/no/abstain ballots:

Joe Meyer for US House District 3
Mike Beilstein for Oregon House District 16
Dan Pulju for Oregon Treasurer

Next Convention

Convention attendees schedule the next two conventions. We will have a second nominating convention August 11, and a convention for party business and officer elections on a date TBA in January.

Thank you to all who attended. Remember to register and vote Green!

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