May 5, 2024 convention minutes (draft)

May 5 convention called to order 11:02 a.m. 

AGENDA ITEM:  Dan Pulju shared the Secretary and Treasurer report.

Secretary: The OpaVote results were recognized from all persons registered for the February convention and granted ballots, as representing the decision of the Pacific Green Party in convention. Lori Burton, Dan Pulju, and Devon Lawson McCourt were elected to the SCC. Language on Israeli genocide was added to the party platform. No other proposals passed (including proposals to decertify chapters and expel members). The five candidates running for four national delegates and two alternate positions were all elected. The ballot did not use the correct number of positions to be elected so it is not clear who is the alternate.

Treasurer report: Because former officers refused to recognize the election results and support the transition to the newly-elected officers, but instead continued to control the Pacific Green Party of Oregon PAC, a miscellaneous PAC was established. The “Oregon Green Party Organizing Committee” PAC has $446.37 to pay for the website and OpaVote. Donations are accepted through the website

ACTION: The Secretary and Treasurer reports were approved by consensus.

AGENDA ITEM:  Green Party presidential candidate presentations. John Q. Murray demonstrated random selection of speaking order, using a spinner app. Daví, Randy Toler, Jorge Zavala, and Jasmine Sherman appeared personally, while a surrogate (Mark Rolofson) spoke on behalf of the Jill Stein campaign. The candidates responded to two pre-submitted questions about restoring grassroots democracy in the Green Party and in the nation, then took questions from the floor.

AGENDA ITEM:  Nominations for Oregon offices from the floor. 

ACTION:  Dan Pulju was nominated for Oregon State Treasurer by Joe Rowe, seconded by Lori Burton. Approved by consensus. 

ACTION:  Dan requested to add his name to the ballot as candidate for Treasurer and to continue to manage the election. Approved by consensus.

AGENDA ITEM: Presentations by Mike Beilstein, candidate for HD16, Joe Meyer, Candidate for CD3, and Dan Pulju, candidate for Treasurer, and questions from the floor. Election ballots sent to all convention participants.

ACTION:  Request to close voting at 3:45 p.m. to allow results to be announced before the convention adjourns. Approved by consensus.

AGENDA ITEM: Discussion of response to actions taken by Seth Woolley, Nathalie Paravicini and others relative to the election at the February 24-25 convention. Dan Pulju presents a narrative of the events. Charles Newlin reads Linn-Benton chapter’s letter of complaint. Mark Rolofson and Eva present a slideshow on health hazards of radiation. Mark Rolofson reads a statement of complaint citing “blatantly dishonest manipulation of the February 2024 election results.” Joe Rowe noted censorship, how after a long wait for his turn to speak, he was cut off, muted, and not allowed to speak any further.

ACTION: Motion by Mark Rolofson to revoke supporting member status from Seth Woolley, for cause, as specified in narrative, complaint, and subsequent discussion; second by Marv Sannes. Passed by roll call vote, 18 ayes, 3 nays (Mike Beilstein, Randy Prince, John Q. Murray), 1 abstention (Joe Meyer)

ACTION:  Extend OpaVote period until 4 p.m., through completion of discussion and vote on Nathalie Paravicini motion. Approved by consensus.

ACTION: Motion to remove Nathalie Paravicini from State Coordinating Committee by Dan Pulju, second by Jack Dresser. Friendly amendment from Chuck Fall accepted, to add revocation of supporting member status.  Discussion: Randy Prince suggests the charges should be specified and the accused given an opportunity to respond to the charges. Dan agrees and amends the motion to include the cause. Dan also notes that as an SCC member and PGP member, Nathalie Paravicini received multiple invitations to attend the May 5 convention to participate in the discussion and chose not to attend; points out that she can also attend a future convention and request reconsideration. Final motion: Revoke supporting member status from Nathalie Paravicini and remove Nathalie Paravicini from SCC officer position for complicity in attempting to overturn the results of the February 24-25, 2024 election. Passed by roll call vote, 17 ayes, 3 nays (Mike Beilstein, Randy Prince, John Q. Murray), 2 abstentions (Joe Meyer, Barbara Bochnovic).

AGENDA ITEM:  Select dates for the next two conventions. Ask attendees to rate convention sessions using the online evaluation form.

ACTION:  August 11 and January 2025. Approved by consensus.

AGENDA ITEM:  Announcement of voting results and delegate apportionment.

Award delegates to presidential national nominating convention: 32 votes total: Jill Stein, 13 votes and 5 delegates; Daví, 11 votes and 4 delegates, Jasmine Sherman, 6 votes and 2 delegates, Jorge Zavala 1 vote, Randy Toler 1 vote, 0 undervotes.

Nominate Joe Meyer for CD-3: 26 aye, 1 no, 4 abstain, 1 undervote.

Nominate Mike Beilstein for HD-16: 22 aye, 4 no, 5 abstain, 1 undervote.

Nominate Dan Pulju for Oregon State Treasurer: 28 aye, 3 no, 1 abstain, 0 undervotes.

ADJOURN:  Motion to adjourn by Chuck Fall, second by Lori Burton. Approved by consensus. Convention adjourned 4:27 p.m.

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