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Daví’s Declaration of American Human Governance

​A Green candidate with a new approach The GPUS presidential nomination process is typically obscure and built around rah-rah for a single candidate. For some reason the general public accepts this, and accepts that candidate as the face of the Green Party. This year that candidate has been Jill Stein, after the departure of Cornel […]

David Hughes with Emanuel Pastreich

Emanuel Pastreich interviews David Hughes about resisting the emerging techno-totalitarianism.

Watch here: By Emanueal Pastreich, I am joined by Professor David Hughes author of an extraordinary book that describes the reality of politics today in the United States in an age of global technological control and mass psychological manipulation. His book “COVID-19: Psychological Operations and the War for Technocracy” is available as a download


Assange is still not free

Delaying extradition is a success we must build into a victory In 2022, I ran for US Senate for my party in Oregon. I was up against Ron Wyden, the notoriously pro-war Democrat beloved by the state’s deep blue machine. There was little chance of ousting him, but he had to be called out for


Press Release: Pacific Green Party Awards Delegates

### Three 2024 Green Party presidential candidates awarded Oregon delegates for national convention Jill Stein nearly tied by Daví during May 5th Convention, held to restore integrity in the Pacific Green Party primary May 20, 2024— Jill Stein narrowly wins at the Pacific Green Party of Oregon May 5 convention. During the convention, attendees voted for


Why would Green Party leaders steal an election?

What could be so important that they would break the rules to get their way? By Chuck Fall I am writing to explain why I think Seth Wooley and Nathalie Paravicini and others would conspire to steal an election. In short, they did this to stop people they did not like from holding officer positions


PGP aligns with precaution on EMF

Our position on EMF pollution is clear “We the People must … Oppose the implementation of 5G wireless technology, as the high density of non-ionizing microwave and millimeter-wave radiation in pulsed and phased radar arrays has not been adequately proven safe for public health or the environment.” Pacific Green Party Platform, “Health Care” section This


May 5 Nominating Convention – Candidate Speeches

Presidential Candidates Segment Part 1 Here’s the first part of our nominating segment, as the presidential candidates introduced themselves in depth. In order: Daví, Jorge Zavala, Randy Toler, Jasmine Sherman, and Mark Rolofson advocating for Jill Stein. Hosted by John Q Murray Full result of the convention is here

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