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Press Release: Pacific Green Party Awards Delegates

### Three 2024 Green Party presidential candidates awarded Oregon delegates for national convention Jill Stein nearly tied by Daví during May 5th Convention, held to restore integrity in the Pacific Green Party primary May 20, 2024— Jill Stein narrowly wins at the Pacific Green Party of Oregon May 5 convention. During the convention, attendees voted for […]


Why would Green Party leaders steal an election?

What could be so important that they would break the rules to get their way? By Chuck Fall I am writing to explain why I think Seth Wooley and Nathalie Paravicini and others would conspire to steal an election. In short, they did this to stop people they did not like from holding officer positions


PGP aligns with precaution on EMF

Our position on EMF pollution is clear “We the People must … Oppose the implementation of 5G wireless technology, as the high density of non-ionizing microwave and millimeter-wave radiation in pulsed and phased radar arrays has not been adequately proven safe for public health or the environment.” Pacific Green Party Platform, “Health Care” section This


May 5 Nominating Convention – Candidate Speeches

Presidential Candidates Segment Part 1 Here’s the first part of our nominating segment, as the presidential candidates introduced themselves in depth. In order: Daví, Jorge Zavala, Randy Toler, Jasmine Sherman, and Mark Rolofson advocating for Jill Stein. Hosted by John Q Murray Full result of the convention is here


May 5, 2024 convention minutes (draft)

May 5 convention called to order 11:02 a.m.  AGENDA ITEM:  Dan Pulju shared the Secretary and Treasurer report. Secretary: The OpaVote results were recognized from all persons registered for the February convention and granted ballots, as representing the decision of the Pacific Green Party in convention. Lori Burton, Dan Pulju, and Devon Lawson McCourt were


May 5 Convention Nomination Results

Here’s where to view the results and download the ballots Presidential contest The Convention reached a consensus to apportion the PGP’s 11 delegates by the party list, largest remainder method, with simple quota. Of 42 ballots sent, 32 were returned prior to adjournment. The delegate quota is 32/11 = 2.909. Vote totals and apportionment: Jill


Convention Zoom Link and Information

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 886 2748 1898Passcode: 943606 — One tap mobile+14086380968,,88627481898#,,,,*943606# US (San Jose)+16694449171,,88627481898#,,,,*943606# US — Dial by your location• +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)• +1 669 444 9171 US• +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)• +1 719 359 4580 US• +1 253 205 0468 US• +1 253 215 8782


Party List Proportional Elections

Proposed voting method for May 5 convention The PGP gets a total of 11 delegates to the GPUS presidential nominating convention this year. I propose to assign them proportionally using the party list, largest remainder method, with the simple quota. Here’s how it works. Once the ballots are in, a quota is calculated for how

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